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Software Developer

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Jobs & Projects

Nice Try co.

Developer | Job
Landing page for a digital agency company. I worked on the frontend, and oversaw the development of the company’s website. Technologies used: React with Next js, Gsap, Lottie files and more. The web is under construction.
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Creator | Job
Cavern is an e-commerce still under development, made in React js and Express js in back. Using the authentication, the user can generate a shopping cart and then create purchase using Mercado Pago as payment method.


Creator | Project
Twittcoff is a twitter clone project, made in Next js with its own backend and database. I use firebase auth for authentication, allowing to save tweets with images and show them in timeline.


Creator | Project
Blogbox is a web-application project made in React js in the front hosted in Vercel, Express js in the back hosted in AWS with NginX and Mongoose for the database. It contains private routes validated both in front, using context, and in the back with jwt in local storage, allowing you to create and view a single post.


Creator | Project
Rick and Morty is a web-application project made in React js that allows you to search characters and add to favorite list. This app use the API-REST of Rick and Morty.

To Do List

Creator | Project
Web App "To Do List" project made in React js that allows you create task, mark as done and edit.
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